Enema enema 40's
It's him or it's not him…. Of course it's him! The much feared #ancient #enteroclisma or whatever you want to call it #enema of a good 2 liters: this version, with a graduated iron structure and a large #glassbell, was the one used in the #ancienthospitals that was fixed to the wall. The bell ends with a narrowing where the tap, the #clyster and finally the terminal accessory were fixed. The iron and glass system is from the #40s. It is sold complete with cannula, tap, terminal accessory for enema + one for vaginal washing which are from the 50s. A beautiful piece of #medicalantique that tells not only the #historyofmedicine but also the fears - sometimes… the punishments! - of which some were unfortunately victims… nb Small chip on the edge of the last photo. Ready for the display case of a #medicaloffice or for your #wunderkammer.